
viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013


Our Party announces its rejection of the practices of the religious right who are trying to impose their influence on the society and the state, practicing all forms of circumvention of democracy and the coup against the rule of law and the Constitution.

By: The Egyptian Communist Party

The failed exclusionary policies of the Brotherhood regime have led to the exacerbation of political, security and economic situations in an adverse manner, including the threat of total collapse of the Egyptian state, where Egypt is currently facing a security vacuum caused by the absence of political solutions and police involvement in the bloody repression of the popular masses, leading to mass curses on this apparatus. 
Their elements attempted to treat this by declaring civil disobedience and making a state of security vacuum. Some elements belonging to the stream of political Islam are trying to exploit this situation by threatening to brting in their militias into the street and install themselves as an alternative power of suppression instead of the police. This threatens with widespread national fighting.

The party also condemns all practices which led to burning the Football Association building, the Police Club and Al-Watan Newspaper. It asserts that these practices basically serve the schemes chaos and destruction of state institutions for the benefit of the ruling regime. The party denies any justifications by any group to justify these acts of barbarism and destructive violence in the name of the revolution and the martyrs.
Our Party announces its rejection of the practices of the religious right who are trying to impose their influence on the society and the state, practicing all forms of circumvention of democracy and the coup against the rule of law and the Constitution. It puts the responsibility for all crimes committed against our people on the head of existing regime and the group that stands behind him.
What is happening now of civil disobedience in a number of Egyptian governorates and continues to affects the rest of the homeland is an expression of legitimate peaceful resistance carried out by the masses of our people to declare through it its categorical rejection for all violations and repressive practices against the interests of the popular masses carried out by this brutal authority in expression of its overwhelming desire in bullying on the masses and mastery of state bodies and Ikhwanization (Brothersization) of its institutions in a desperate attempt to force these masses to silence in the face of the complete failure and inability to solve the economic, political and social problems, worsening day after day and gripping the majority of the people, especially the poor and working people.

Fuente:  Egyptian Communist Party_ECP/PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com 

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