
sábado, 12 de abril de 2014


A parliamentary election was held in Hungary on 6 April 2014. The Hungarian Workers’ Party has regained its position as the strongest non-parliamentary party. 

It is the best result of the party achieved for the last years, and it is considered as a good basis for further fight against capitalism.

1. The elections took place in a situation when working people face great problems of unemployment and poverty. More than 400 thousand Hungarians work in different EU-countries because they cannot find job in Hungary. The social difference between rich and poor is rising every day.

The majority of the people who are unsatisfied with the actual situation and the capitalism generally expressed their attitude by non-participation in the elections.  The election turnout was 61,07 %. It is the second lowest participation since 1990.

2. The centre-right Fidesz head by the actual Prime Minister Viktor Orban has got 66,83% of the seats in the new parliament.  They used all possible means of mass manipulation.

The centre-left coalition headed by the MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Part) got 19,1 of the mandates. The liberal LMP will have 2.51% of the seats.

The extreme-right Jobbik could not achieve its aim; they did not win the election. They have 11,56% of the mandates. Although the Socialist-led opposition is in second place, the five parties making up the alliance plan to form their own factions after the elections. It means that the Jobbik is practically the second largest party in the parliament.

3. The Hungarian Workers’ Party got 27 663 votes. It means 0,58% of all votes. It is the best result of the party achieved for the last years. The HWP got 16379 votes (0,3%) in 2006, and 5668 votes (0,11%) in 2010.

The Hungarian Workers’ Party has regained its position as the strongest non-parliamentary party.

The HWP achieved this result inspite of the fact that there is a general anticommunist attack, and the HWP is isolated from the media. The HWP achieved this result by mobilising all human and material resources of the party. It is considered as a good basis for further fight against capitalism.

International Department Hungarian Workers’ Party

Fuente: ID_HWP/Solidnet/PrensaPopularSolidaria

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