
sábado, 26 de julio de 2014


Palestina Libre
Venezuela: The activities in solidarity with Palestina of the people of Venezuela and the revolutionary political and anti-imperialist organizations of this country mobilized themselves to express their rejection to the military and colonialist actions being applied by the Israeli Zionism against Palestine under the consent of the United States of America, NATO and Imperialism.

The activities in solidarity with Palestina of the People of Venezuela 

The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), The Committee of International Solidarity (COSI), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Venezuela, The Popular Revolutionary Block (BPR), the Communist Youth of Venezuela, the Simon Bolivar University Committee of Solidarity with Palestine, the Bolivarian Continental Movement and the Foundation of Active Solidarity Internationalist Brigade, were some of the organizations that were present along with the Venezuelan people in the vicinity of the Israel business office in Venezuela, to express solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Facing the slaughter against the people of Palestine being perpetrated by the Zionist State and the American imperialism, which has already killed almost 300 Palestinians, who most of them are elderly people, women and children, and with nearly 2000 wounded, victims of bombing, artillery attacks and military offensives which have destroyed thousands of homes to seize the Palestinian territory at the cost of the blood of these people.

The people of Venezuela and the revolutionary political and anti-imperialist organizations of this country mobilized themselves to express their rejection to the military and colonialist actions being applied by the Israeli Zionism against Palestine under the consent of the United States of America, NATO and Imperialism.

Under the slogans “Out Israel from Palestinian Gaza”, Hail Free Palestine”, “Genocide is against Humanity”, “Hail the Liberation of Peoples”, participants demanded an end to the military attacks and the unblocking of Gaza Strip, the liberation of political prisoners, the decolonization of occupied territories.

Among the attending personalities was the Communist Party Congressman Carolus Wimmer, President of the Latin American Parliament, Venezuelan Group, who expressed the necessity to assume the defense of the Palestinian rights, specially “facing the blockade that currently exists over Gaza Strip, preventing the free circulation of food and medicine”.

Meanwhile, Isak Khury PFLP representative in Venezuela stated that an Israeli military leader declared that his army was destroying Palestinian homes so that after the war they (Palestinians) will have nowhere to sleep, evidencing in this way that Iraelis are not fighting for a just cause but to destroy the Palestinian people.

Furthermore, Vladimira Moreno, Councilwoman of the Capital District by PCV reminded that this is a class struggle in which Imperialism and Zionism aim to control the Middle East, the energy sources and transport routes, which is essentially the reason of the repressive and murderous action of the Israeli government.

As representative of the Popular Revolutionary Block (BPR) she indicated that the 42 National Organizations, part of this instance along with the people of Caracas, children of Liberators, demand to put an end to “the big and open concentration camp” in Palestine, Gaza Strip and West Bank, and also demand the Security Council of the United Nations to take immediate action to prevent the slaughter performed by the Israeli army against the Palestinian people. 

Fuente: Tribuna Popular/PrensaPopularSolidaria

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