
martes, 17 de marzo de 2015


Communist Party of Australia
The Communist Party of Australia_CPA adds its voice to the millions across the globe saying “hands off Venezuela!”.Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!.  Chávez lives on!

Issue #1677    March 18, 2015
The lives of previously excluded people have improved markedly. The health and education indicators for the population don’t lie.

 Increased US aggression against Venezuela

Statement Communist Party of Australia

The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) condemns in the strongest possible terms the increased aggression being shown by the US administration towards the democratically elected government of Venezuela. US President Obama’s statement that Venezuela presents a “threat to US interests and foreign policy” deserves, and has received, the unequivocal rejection of those who are familiar with the domestic achievements and the regional role of the government of Venezuela since 1998.

The CPA calls on the Australian government to use its relationship with the US to dissuade it from its current belligerent course.

In spite of US interference, including an economic blockade, the coordination of opposition groups to cause havoc and hardship to the point of plotting coups against the legitimate government of the country, Venezuela has made impressive progress during its Bolivarian Revolution. 

The lives of previously excluded people have improved markedly. The health and education indicators for the population don’t lie. Present difficulties have not shaken support for the revolution and “no volverán!” – they (the former ruling elites) shall not return – is a popular slogan among the people.

Venezuela’s role in Latin America, its pursuit of integration and economic relations on the basis of mutual benefit, stands in stark contrast to that of the US. Successive US administrations have manipulated the political processes of countries in Latin America and sought to chain their economies to exploitative “free trade” agreements. 

Venezuela has joined a long list of governments targeted for “regime change” for defending its sovereignty and the well-being of its people. The CPA adds its voice to the millions across the globe saying “hands off Venezuela!”.

Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!

Chávez lives on!‎

Bob Briton
General Secretary
Communist Party of Australia

Fuente: The Guardian/PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com 

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