
martes, 22 de agosto de 2017


Resultado de imagen para Union Soviética, Mapa, escudo, banderas, símbolos, imágenes
    The Portuguese Communist Party denounces and condemns this type of operations of falsification of history and of anti-communism, will not allow fascism to be whitewashed and the ideal and communist project to be criminalised, let erase the decisive contribution of the communists and of the socialist system for the defeat of the tenebrous Nazi-fascism projects and for the great progressive and revolutionary advances achieved in the twentieth century.

The Portuguese Communist Party denounces and condemns with utmost indignation the promotion, under the Estonian Presidency of the European Union, on August 23 in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, of yet another serious display of anti-communism and historical revisionism.

Under the pretext of celebrating a self-proclaimed and provocative "European day of remembrance of the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes”, the European Union promotes and identifies itself with the most reactionary conceptions and falsifications of contemporary history.

The European Union unscrupulously slandering the experiences of socialism and deplorably equating fascism with communism, exonerating and silencing the crimes of Nazi-fascism and the responsibilities of the great capitalist powers which – with the Treaty of Munich, which legitimized the annexation of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany – opened the way for the start of World War II and the invasion of the Soviet Union by Hitler’s hordes.

This is all the more deplorable, since in countries that are part of the European Union – as is the case of Estonia – racism and xenophobia are growing, communist parties are persecuted and banned, communist ideology is criminalised, fascist criminals are rehabilitated, symbols of the anti-fascist struggle and of the victory achieved over Nazi-fascism, with the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union, are being destroyed – without forgetting that in the Ukraine the accolade of fascism and anti-communism have become policies of the putschist power.

The PCP finds it is essential not to ignore this and protest strongly against such a serious display of anti-communist obscurantism, especially since it is promoted by an entity that, with the aim of teaching the world lessons on "democracy" and "human rights", is at the service of big business and great powers, pursues a policy of supranational impositions, aggression and limitation of national sovereignty and democracy, intensification of exploitation, attack on social and labour rights, and where repressive trends and practices of limitations on fundamental rights and freedoms and of militarist nature, are developing.

The PCP, while demanding from the Portuguese Government a clear demarcation from this type of operations of falsification of history and of anti-communism, will not allow fascism to be whitewashed and the ideal and communist project to be criminalised, let erase the decisive contribution of the communists and of the socialist system for the defeat of the tenebrous Nazi-fascism projects and for the great progressive and revolutionary advances achieved in the twentieth century.

Fuente: PCP-Avante/Solidnet/PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com

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