
sábado, 13 de enero de 2018


The attempt to schedule the date of the f Lula's appeal for the 24th of January is empty of legality. It is purely an act of persecution of the most popular Brazilian leader. The recourse to resort to spurious expedient to intervene in the electoral process happens because the coup of Dilma's Impeachment did not generate a political regime of lasting conservative stability.

The strategic plan underway, following Dilma's removal from the presidency, cuts workers' rights, threatens public pensions, privatizes Petrobras, Eletrobras and public banks, and abandons the active and proud foreign policy.

The labor reform and the limit of expenditure did not attract the promised foreign investments, which could support the campaign for a government aligned with neoliberalism in 2018. In the face of unpopularity, these sectors have failed to build, so far, a viable candidate for president.

Lula grows in the polls in all scenarios in the first and the second rounds, and can even win in the first round. The scenario of overwhelming victory of Lula would mean the failure of the coup and would enable the opening of a new political cycle.

Hence, anything goes in the plot to prevent Lula's candidature: condemnation in the Porto Alegre court, the creation of a semi-parliament and the postponement of the elections. None of the listed actions is out of question. They build up the evil arsenal of the political forces that do not value democracy.

A persecution entirely political, which will only be defeated on the political ground. More than a tactical or electoral problem, the victory or defeat in this fight will have strategic and long-term consequences.

Brazil is experiencing a time of crossroads: either restore social rights and the democratic rule of law or be defeated and watch the final implementation of a capitalist society without regulations, based on the super-exploitation of workers.

This type of society requires a State reinforced with instruments of exception to suppress universities, intellectuals, workers, women, youth, the poor, the black people. Ultimately, all the exploited and oppressed that rise up against the new system.

Thus, the issue of the persecution of Lula does not refer only to the Workers Party and the left, but to all Brazilian citizens. As never before in our generation of fighters, what is at stake is the future of democracy.

Fuente: Resistencia/PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com

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