
lunes, 24 de enero de 2011


By: Ferrebé

It is radical revolutionary action in Tunisia, General Strike in March, Teachers paralyzed all school activities

The seat of government of the Kasbah is mobbed by protesters who broke the curfew remained opposite the Palace all night and continually increases

Continuous mass marches of protest groups that go from all sites in the Capital to the Avenue Bourguiba, the main city of Tunis, in demonstrations calling for the total output of the remnants of the dictatorship.

Paralyzed activities throughout the interior of Tunisia and demonstrations in every city. while still coming Caravan contingent of Victory Capital.

Riot police try to break up the demonstration before the palace using gases and other instruments of repression, not succeed in its purpose. The police are trying to force benalicismo officials are still in the palace.

Police are incorporated into demonstrations, which in turn seek to discourage their peers for not acting against the front of the Palace crowd and marching in the streets

The masses in the streets meet the requests made by the revolutionary groups unified communists, Nasserists, progressive Islamists, nationalists, liberals and other Democrats added to the driving movement of democratic opening total, total output of the members, allies and other participants in the government of the member of the Socialist International Ben Ali, the village government facility and the immediate convocation of a Constituent Assembly.

International rats start to abandon ship with the statements of French fascist Sarkozi, that "had failed to appreciate the situation in Tunisia."

International solidarity with the Tunisian people continues to grow. From Venezuela, the Intermunicipal Organization Miranda Centre has reaffirmed its solidarity with the Tunisian people.

Communist Communication Network Mirandinos (REDECCOMI) expresses its solidarity with the people of Tunisia and its revolution. We continuously monitor and supports outreach to the world of events through his newspaper on the Internet Journal for the internacionalers Solidarity with the struggles of the working class, the people and the Communists, our Speaker PrensaPopularSolidaria.

Source: Agencies / Alternative Press Revolutionary Internet / PrensaPopularSolidaria
Email: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com

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