
viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012


The clouds of imperialist war are gathering 

 14th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties

The capitalist crisis, the difficulties in its management in the European Union, especially in the Eurozone, but also in the USA, its consequences even in capitalist economies which for the time being continue to have a high growth rate, are strengthening the competition, the contradictions and the imperialist aggressiveness in South-East Asia, in the Caspian Sea and Central Asia, Africa, in Latin America.

In this framework, the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East are extremely dangerous. The basic goal of the imperialists in this region is the control and exploitation of the natural resources, oil, natural gas, water, energy pipelines and transport networks, so that the monopolies obtain more profits by acquiring larger shares of the markets.

These plans manifest themselves in the implementation of the plans for an imperialist intervention in Syria, Iran, where various pretexts are being used.

The parties which sign this statement:

Condemn the imperialist intervention in Syria, which is being implemented by the USA, the EU, NATO, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc. We express our solidarity with the working class and popular strata of the Syrian people, and we stress that only the Syrian people can determine the future of their country, without foreign protectors

Demand the stop of the bombing of Gaza by Israel. The withdrawal of the Israeli army from all the occupied territories of 1967, Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian, the complete dissolution of the settlements and the tearing down of the partition wall. The establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, next to Israel. The solution of the issue of the refugees and the return of the Palestinian refugees on the basis of the 194 resolution of the UN General Assembly and other UN Security Council resolutions.

Demand the immediate release of all Palestinians, Lebanese and other Arab political prisoners by Israel.

Demand the cessation of all the threats of a military assault and the cessation of the implementation of economic sanctions against Iran and we express solidarity with the struggle of the Iranian people for democratic rights and social justice.

Demand the immediate withdrawal of the imperialist occupation troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and that their peoples are enabled to decide on their future.

Demand that all foreign military bases from the countries of the region withdraw and that no others will be installed.

We call on the peoples of the region to resist the involvement of their countries in the imperialist wars. They must strengthen their struggle against every imperialist power, against imperialist war. They must decisively develop the class struggle, confident of their strength, as well as the coordinated anti-imperialist struggle and they must fight for a society free from the exploitation of man by man.

Fuente: Solidnet/PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo:   pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com

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