
domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015


Like seven decades ago, Fascism is being used as a weapon against our country. However, during the Second World War the Soviet Union and the bourgeois democracies managed to become allies in the fight against the “brown plague.” Today the leading Western states are openly invoking Nazism in pursuit of their geopolitical goals.
Gennady Zyuganov’s open letter to the citizens of Russia:

Put an end to anti-Sovietism, disarm Russia’s enemies!

My fellow citizens, comrades, friends,

Our Motherland is facing a great challenge. A fratricidal military flame is blazing next to its borders. “The Western partners,” taking advantage of the situation they have themselves created in Ukraine, are blaming everything on Russia and are building a common front against our country. Their heralds are openly talking about a new Cold War and the need to teach Russia obedience.

It is now clear that the experiment aimed at putting Russia in tow of American globalism has failed. Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok is not taking shape. A benevolent partnership is no longer discussed. The USA and the European Union increasingly challenge Russian Federation’s right to state sovereignty. Poland is again becoming a “corridor” by which threats are creeping towards our borders. The latest Munich conference was marked by an extraordinary degree of aggressiveness and rudeness of the NATO hawks.

Like seven decades ago, Fascism is being used as a weapon against our country. However, during the Second World War the Soviet Union and the bourgeois democracies managed to become allies in the fight against the “brown plague.” Today the leading Western states are openly invoking Nazism in pursuit of their geopolitical goals. With their connivance the seeds of Fascism are sprouting poisonous shoots on the land where Kievan Rus was formed a thousand years ago and the common history of the Russians, Ukrainians and Byelorussians began.

Today millions of Ukrainian citizens have been poisoned by Russophobic and anti-Soviet propaganda. A hideous wave of vandalism has swept many Ukrainian cities. The first target of the vicious Bandera thugs is the founder of the Soviet state. The destruction of monuments to Lenin, the symbols of Russian history and culture can no longer be seen as a “grassroots movement” because it is openly being blessed by government officials.

This orgy reflects the very essence of what is happening in Ukraine. It was recently articulated by the former education minister in Saakashvili’s Georgia who is now an active member of the Kiev junta. Her formula is this: our common enemy is the Soviet man. This is logical because it was the Soviet society that managed to develop a strong immunity to rabid nationalism and fascism. There is a rush under way to eradicate this immunity.

Anti-Sovietism and Rossophobia have from the outset provided the ideology of the struggle not only against the Soviet political system, but against Russia as such. The West saw the Soviet Union as a double threat. On the one hand, it feared socialism as an alternative to the capitalist world order. On the other hand it was horrified that a new world was being promoted by the planet’s largest country. For centuries it was scared by its wide spaces and power and tempted by its untold riches on which Teutonic knights were among the first to cast a covetous eye.

The USSR managed to make full use of the opportunities offered by nature and the generations of ancestors. The Soviet power could not be strangled by economic sanctions. Nor did the Hitler hordes manage to conquer it by force of arms. But it has been undermined from within by fostering a fifth column of anti-Soviet dissidents and just plain traitors. The wise Alexander Zinovyev, who at one point was a dissenter himself, admitted that the real target of those who fought communism was Russia.

Ferocious anti-Sovietism led to the bloody events in October 1993. For the Yeltsin gang the Soviets of People’s Deputies were the last obstacle in the way of thuggish privatization and stealing of the people’s property. The charred House of the Soviets in Moscow was a harbinger of the Khatyn-like massacre in Odessa and the punitive actions in Donbass.

The current grave crisis in Russia has been designed in the CIA’s laboratories. But it would not have broken out without the connivance of our home-bred “Westernizers” who organized three waves of Russophobia and anti-Sovietism. The first destroyed the USSR and the centuries-old unity of the peoples under Russia’s wing. The second blocked the integration processes and buried the attempts to restore the past might. The third led to a fratricidal war in Ukraine and open blackmail of the Russian Federation by the West which has come to believe that it has finally forced our country to the wall. Bandera nationalism, backed by the USA, is already waging a fight against all of us in Novorossia. Unless the latter-day Fuhrers meet with a fitting rebuff there, NATO will soon have its bases near Kharkov. What it means for Russian citizens is clear even to the Navalnys, Nemtsovs and other American underlings.

In spite of the tragic lessons anti-Sovieteers of every stripe feel comfortable in today’s Russia as they deliver blows at its economy, science and education and the historical grandeur of our Motherland. Disgusting stuff regularly appears in print, in film and on television that denigrates the achievements of the Soviet era, including the Great Victory.

It is hard to accept a situation when government channels spend money on propagating the views of aggressive Russophobes and anti-Sovieteers. A major state-run TV company is promoting and showing a historical series that claims to be an authentic documentary. The vicious hatred of its author, Nikolai Svanidze, of all things Soviet and Russian precludes any objectivity in assessing events. Svanidze himself, when he appears on television talk shows, invariably turns out to be the loser as the absolute minority of viewers support him. When the opinion of a pseudo-historian is repeatedly rejected by society there are no grounds for foisting him on our compatriots, especially when it is financed by the tax-payers’ money.

Very different voices should ring proudly all across the country. The voices of those who cherish the heroic past and preserve the memories of past heroic deeds. But these voices are not always heard by the officials. On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Soviet People’s victory in the Great Patriotic War the state has found no money for a film about the heroic exploit of the Panfilovites. The money for it was raised by donations of the common people.

Historical and cultural landmarks are targeted not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. There are examples galore -- from damaging the Lenin monument at Finlyandsky Station in St.Petersburg in April of 2009 to the latest acts of vandalism in Novosibirsk. It all started much earlier, in the “wild nineties.” And it continues today only because it does not meet with a resolute reaction of the authorities. Indeed, some of their members themselves initiate the displacement of monuments, renaming of streets and occasionally desecration of graves.

Every now and again respectable-looking gentlemen propose to destroy the Lenin Mausoleum and the necropolis at the Kremlin wall. And yet they know very well that the best sons of our country in the 20th century, the true heroes of the Soviet Power are buried there. So, they are doing it consciously. This is their life’s choice. Their calls reveal the ideological kinship of the Russian anti-Sovieteers and Banderovite thugs.

Anti-Sovietism is aggressive, persistent, crafty and therefore contagious. Its bacillus causes the authorities to coyly drape the Lenin Mausoleum during festive events held on Red Square. The Lenin Mausoleum, which witnessed great events, was hidden from the eyes of citizens even on the sacred day of the 70th anniversary of the November 7, 1941 parade. This is something that must not happen on May 9, 2015 on the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. It was at the feet of the Mausoleum that the flags of the defeated Hitler hordes were thrown down. Hiding it on the great Victory Day is an affront to the veterans, both living and dead. It humiliates all of us who are heirs to the victorious heroes.

The government has already prepared and approved a program to mark the centenary of Solzhenitsyn’s birth. And yet even his fellow-writers had mixed feelings about him. They accused him of “seeking personal success with all the provocative gimmicks that go with it.” Yes, Western propaganda has turned Solzhenitsyn into an anti-Soviet icon. But is that reason enough to prefer his jubilee to the 200th birthday of that great wordsmith, Ivan Turgenev, or the 100th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Simonov, the 150th anniversary of the painter Serov or the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great composer Sviridov? Is Solzhenitsyn’s contribution to Russian culture really superior to theirs?

It is only by glorifying the truly great names that one can expect new cultural achievements. Instead Russian classics are being eased out of school curricula. Collectivism, which has forever been a feature of our people and has more than once saved it in times of hardship is proclaimed to be a pitiful hangover of the past. True values are replaced by the surrogate Western liberal values. The great writer Mikhail Sholokhov, who foresaw this danger back in 1978, wrote to Leonid Brezhnev: “One of the main targets of the ideological offensive today is the Russian culture which is the historical foundation and the main wealth of our country’s socialist culture. In belittling the role of Russian culture in the historical spiritual process, distorting its lofty humanistic principles, denying its progressive and original character, the enemies of socialism are trying to besmirch the Russian people as the main international force of the Soviet multi-national state, and portray it as spiritually impotent and incapable of intellectual creativity.”

The enemies of socialism Sholokhov was referring to have done their job. They have pushed out country onto the path of degradation and decay. But they are not content with what they have done. The masks are off. They do not need an imperial, socialist or capitalist Russia. To defend our right to a future, we must stop attacking and smearing our country’s past. After the exhibitions devoted to the Ryurikovich and Romanov dynasties an equally massive exhibition about the Soviet era should be organized. It is necessary to highlight out cultural achievements. We propose to publish a 100-volume collection of Russian classics which should reach every library and every school. We should bring back such high-profile events as decades and feasts of the friendship of the peoples.

The sky-high approval ratings of our current leaders should not generate a feeling of “anything goes.” The reservoir of popular trust was built up when Russia reclaimed the Crimea and Sebastopol. And no wonder because the healthy part of our society is still in the majority. It is ready to support the moves that meet the national interests and tend to strengthen and revive our Motherland. However, as long as the rot of anti-Sovietism continues to eat at the “vertical power structure” any useful initiative may be ruined and discredited.

Anti-Sovietism is the banner of traitors and defeatists. It is pushing our country into an abyss. Those who inspire and commission anti-Sovietism today are the same external political forces as those of the Cold War against the Soviet Union. The ruling class of the imperialist West will never forget that our country had for more than half a century stood in the way of its world dominance. Our socialist past will never be forgiven. The West will seek revenge for our industrialization that created a great power. For the victory in May 1945 and Yuri Gagarin’s historic space flight. For achieving nuclear parity and assisting the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America that had thrown off the colonial yoke.

We Communists do not deny that not everything in the Soviet history has been smooth. It never is in real life. Especially in the life of trail-blazers, the builders of a new society. But the CPRF is urging all the citizens of Russia to remember, cherish and protect from attacks our common heroic past. Ahead lies the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Russia has every reason to mark it in a big way, like they celebrate the jubilees of the Great French Revolution in France. This should be recognized now, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Soviet people’s victory over Nazi Germany and militarist Japan. It was not by chance that Stalin described it as the victory of the Soviet state and socialist system. That system was born in October of 1917.

In the ranks of the Russian Communist Party there is room for discussion, there are different opinions on some issues, but there are none who are prepared to forfeit their land, their history and their dignity. We all share love for our country, a sense of justice and rule of the people. We are fighting for socialism and we understand that it is impossible without a national soil, without the heritage the Russian and other peoples have created over the centuries of living in their common home. We remember Pushkin’s words: “Disrespect for the ancestors is the first sign of immorality.”

Today Russia is being attacked on many fronts. Everything from economic and diplomatic pressure to military threats is pressed into service. The offensive in the ideological and information fields is very important. The sting of the Russophobes oozes the poison of anti-Sovietism. They seek to sever us from our roots and deprive us of our heroic past that can inspire us in the struggle for a better future. The coveted aim of Western propaganda is to destroy the memory of the great achievements of the socialist era. Instead it is trying to instill a sense of shame for our ancestors and make young people want to renounce them as soon as possible.

In order to take Russia out of its crisis and open up new vistas for it, it is necessary to be aware of the unity of our history. Recognizing this, President Putin logically urges us to take the best of our heritage on board. Patriarch Kirill stresses the contribution of the Soviet people to the development of our country. Once an awareness of such important truths is there one should act without delay. One should start with the institutions of power and its representatives. The worms of anti-Sovietism there should be resolutely and finally destroyed.

In November 1941, at a moment of dreadful peril, Stalin called on the people to follow the example of the patriotic heroes of all times. A true patriot today has no right to renounce any achievements of our thousand-year history. Fighting for Russia in the same ranks with us are the hosts of Kievan Rus and the regiments of Muscovy, the zemstvo volunteers and Suvorov’s warriors, the soldiers of Borodino and the Red Guard heroes, the fighters who routed the foreign invaders in 1918−1922, and the valiant soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

I am sure that the people of Russia will boldly uphold their right to a future and the truth about its past. They will struggle regardless of the position the ruling elite will take. Our multinational people will uphold the right of their children and grandchildren to live in a country that does not need to be lectured from across the ocean. In a country that is not a feeding trough for the world oligarchy. In a country which, relying on its great history, determines its future shape itself. I have no doubt that the youth of Russia wants to live in a land of pioneers and heroes, and not of traitors and drug addicts.

In the face of an external threat the time has come for all of us to recognize that anti-Sovietism is a form of Russophobia and he who makes war on Soviet history is an avowed enemy of Russia. The only suitable place for anti-Sovietism is in the dustbin of destructive, stale and harmful ideas. They should not poison our daily life. Russian society needs to breathe pure and fresh air. The country needs a healthy atmosphere of pride of the deeds of their ancestors, faith in the future, a healthy atmosphere of creativity and progress.

Gennady Zyuganov

Fuente: Solidnet/PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com 

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