
jueves, 9 de abril de 2015


Resultado de imagen para Checoslovaquia, sìmbolos comunistas
Communist Party of Bohemia_Moravia (Czech Republic) rejects US military convoy to cross Czech Republic's territory

Since Sunday, March 22, 2015, Czech Republic is being crossed by an US Army armed convoy. Besides Czech Republic, the US heavy military vehicles have crossed some of other countries of Eastern and central Europe. Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia (KSCM) considers this action as a demonstration of power and as a pressure against the Russian Federation.

In the time of strained relations between Western countries and Russian Federation, any demonstration of power can, in all probability, call Russia's response, complicating all the situation for a number of years ahead. Both the escalating tension and the risk of confrontation are favourable solely for both the US and their interest of power; on the other hand, they bring fear of military conflict into European space.

The KSCM considers the stance of the Czech government bewildering, when they haven't informed the Czech general public about the US army's drive in time. They even didn't put forward the motion about the drive to the Parliament, although this action, by its parameters, goes far beyond the framework of usual military transfers, which can be agreed by the government's authority. The KSCM, in the long term, rejects any presence of foreign troops and building of foreign military bases within Czech Republic's territory.

The United States repeatedly notified the intention to strengthen its military presence in the Europe, especially in the Baltic area, but also in Poland or in Czech Republic. The KSCM asserts that a step like this doesn't contribute, in its consequence, to increase either European or world's security. Moreover, to increase the number of US troops out of the US goes against the Article 1 of the International Pact About Citizen's and Political Rights.

The KSCM has expressed its disagreement with the drive of the US convoy by supporting and attending the demonstration held on the Wenceslas Square, Prague, as well as by organizing other protest events in other places of the Czech Republic.

Fuente; PCCzech/Solidnet/PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com  

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