
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008


Earlier today on a TV news bulletin I saw a picture of the "Iraqi soldiers" associated with the puppet regime. They could easily have been US soldiers with a Middle Eastern appearance... Like the French people, the Itaqis are proud of their country - look how they kept with their flag, despite US attempts to completely change it. Like the French resistance, Iraqi resistance is maintaining their tradition, their culture, their pride. At huge cost to themselves. Cost beyond my personal understanding. Vive la resistance!

UN the silent partnerby eureka on 03.06.2005 [01:02 ]
This article clearly indicates the complicity of the UN with the americans and british in this illegal invasion. Notwithstanding Kofi Annan's pronouncement that the invasion was illegal; one remember's Mr. Annan having to be prompted by the interviewing journalist to declare that the invasion was infact illegal. He did not openly declare that it was as the case should have been; I mean, that something so obvious to the laypeople like me, and he didn't even have the balls to make the statement but had to be prompted to do so. That to me is the defining moment about the UN and its spineless leadership; one can only hope that this body that suppose to represent all member nations will somehow find the courage to at least tell the US and britain that their actions are illegal and that they must withdraw their troops post-haste.

who then represents the Iraqi people?by hellsbells on 03.06.2005 [03:04 ]
It is the resistance, which struggles by different means against the occupier and its laws, that represents the continuity of the Iraqi state. The resistance struggles to preserve national resources, agricultural reforms, and restore infrastructure, education, and health systems that are currently being destroyed by the occupation. The resistance legally represents the Iraqi people and their independence until the Iraqi people have the opportunity to freely create a new state independent of outside influence. To represent the continuity of the state does not necessarily mean the old regime, as there is a difference between the notion of the state and the notion of a

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