jueves, 31 de julio de 2014


The fact is that political Islam and religious-sectarian conflicts tied with the interests of imperialism will cause and led to the disintegration and division of countries and successful execution of the “New Middle East” plan.

After Wien 5 talks, Hassan Rouhani made the following comments regarding the significance of restoring the relations between Islam Republic of Iran and Imperialism:

 “…The final agreement with 5+1 is one of the greatest political agreements in the region and the world.” In fact, that is the case and resolving the nuclear issue with West- and with the US in particular- will initiate a new phase in the relations between the theocratic regime of Iran and imperialism, and particularly the United States…

The Middle East, one of the most geopolitically important regions in the world in the second decade of the 21st century, is burning in the flames of imperialism interventionism, religious and sectarian conflicts, and tense regional rivalries.


The recent events in Iraq and the actions of terrorist group ISIS (Da`esh) has created a very dangerous situation not only in Iraq, but also across the Middle East region and the Gulf countries…

Giving rise to religious sectarianism phenomenon (and promoting it)- as a pretext to colonize suppressed nations- has a long history. The British colonialism in the 19th century and early 20th century took advantage of sectarianism, and particularly its religious version, in order to reinforce its dominance and plundering the wealth of the region. 

With the slogan “divide and conquer” the colonial powers spread the seeds of division and segregation and violence and war amongst the nations who were coexisting over the centuries despite their inherent differences.

The colonial policies of Britain and other expansionist and domineering states (Tsar Russia, France, Belgium, Holland, etc.) in Asia and Africa could not advance and succeed without inciting sectarianism and provoking religious, tribal, ethnic and political conflicts.
 The history of our nation and also our friend, brother and neighbor nations in the region in the 19th and 29th century is full of conspiracies and ploys of colonialist and imperialists in provoking and boosting sectarian conflicts in various shapes and forms.

Imperialism has always taken advantage, and still does, of this “tool” in order to plunder the various resources of nations and to break their back in their resistance to this plunder. In our times, intervention and aggression of imperialism in our region and in target countries are carried under the guise of “humanitarian goals”, opposing “dictatorships” and the like; however, behind these covers and excuses and propaganda, the real goal is nothing but supremacy to plunder the wealth of nations. What we are witnessing today under the name of ISIS and religious-sectarian conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and other regions, has not been isolated from imperialism policies to dominate the lucrative markets of these countries and forcing these nations to yield to this dominance- for protecting the “New World Order”…

Hence, what is going on in Iraq and other countries as “sectarian-religious conflicts” has been- in the first place- the result of imperialist intervention and aggressive wars, and its goal is to gain further dominance and control over the oil and gas resources and to reinforce the position of imperialism. The control of ISIS and other terrorist groups over some of the oil fields in Iraq and Syria and even selling oil by them, essentially could mean the division and disintegration of these countries, and is the first step towards fabricating smaller countries with artificial borders. 

Let’s not forget that ISIS is exporting oil while it is committing murder. Israel, with the help of the US, shows negative reaction to the alliance and closer ties between various Palestinian factions and, by raiding the Palestinian territories and killing of the residents of these areas, is trying to divide the Palestinian factions and prevent the strengthening of true and progressive parties and organizations that are members of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). 

All of these are actions in line with the creation of the “New Middle East”. More than anything, ISIS is the direct product of imperialist policies in the Middle East region. Why at this point in time Iraq is suddenly attacked by this terrorist group, is a valid and good question. 

The rise of ISIS and its attack on Iraq should be analyzed under the context of the developments in the region, including: the destiny of globalization process and the further weakening of imperialism’s “new world order” as a result of serious reactions to it within the international relations, the existence of the group of countries dubbed BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and its potential to disrupt and change the power balance in the international scene, and also the developments in the regions and particularly taking the route to restore the relations with imperialism by the theocratic regime of Iran.

After Wien 5 talks, Hassan Rouhani made the following comments regarding the significance of restoring the relations between Islam Republic of Iran and Imperialism: “…The final agreement with 5+1 is one of the greatest political agreements in the region and the world.” In fact, that is the case and resolving the nuclear issue with West- and with the US in particular- will initiate a new phase in the relations between the theocratic regime of Iran and imperialism, and particularly the United States. 

The rise of ISIS and the developments in Iraq are a move by imperialism in order to change the power balance in the region and is part of the domineering policies of imperialism. This new phase of relations of the IR of Iran with the United States will change the existing equations in the region. 

This evident return of Iran’s regime to the ranks of US allies will change the power balance in the region, and this change is hard to swallow and unacceptable for Turkey and Saudi Arabia…

In fact, ISIS, “religious sectarianism”, policy pursued by Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are all at the service of the interests of the US and its allies. Religious sectarianism and sectarian conflicts are used by imperialism in order to further dominate the region and carry out plans like the “New Middle East”. 

Let’s not forget that provoking sectarian conflicts and setting off the flames of war and spreading out the bloodshed in the Middle East is not unrelated to other global events. The bloody conflicts in Ukraine, the events in the South East Asia and the growing and tension-creating role of Japan militarism with the help of the United States in the Pacific region, local wars and broad sectarian conflicts in Africa, repeated limited military aggressions of France and NATO in Africa, and war and criminal acts in the Middle East and particularly in Iraq and Syria, are all the links of a chain of interventions and aggressions that imperialism in the second decade of the 21st century have instigated in order to redistribute the markets and overcome its acute and years-long crisis…

The rise of ISIS and civil war in Iraq and Syria that are occurring in the second decade of the 21st century within the framework of the “New Middle East” plan and formation of smaller, weaker countries and states that are cronies of imperialism, prove another fact that religious-based regimes and political Islam, and in general, regimes in which religion has influence and power.

In any shape or form, whether of Supreme Leadership or Taliban type, or in its most horrible form of ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood and others, have not led to anything but the disasters that we have witnessed so far. Political Islam and theocratic regime in the contemporary world are at the service of interests and wishes of global imperialism, and have prepared the ground for immense catastrophes for the people of the region. 

The fact is that political Islam and religious-sectarian conflicts tied with the interests of imperialism will cause and led to the disintegration and division of countries and successful execution of the “New Middle East” plan. 

Sectarian conflicts and war and bloodshed in the region and the rise and growth of criminal currents like ISIS should be evaluated and analyzed in the context of the aforementioned fact.

Fuente: Nameh Mardom/ PrensaPopularSolidaria

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Periódicos Comunistas


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Noticias en Páginas Progresistas


: Actividad de Solidaridad Comunista Mundial (16) : Actividad Parlamentaria de los Comunistas (29) : Comunismo en el mundo actual (172) : Lucha Contra el Revisionismo y el Reformismo (5) :Actividad de Solidaridad Comunista Mundial (7) :Actividad Parlamentaria de los Comunistas (5) a (4) aa Actividad de Solidaridad Comunista Mundial (2) aComunistas y Elecciones (2) Actividad de Solidaridad Comunista Mundial (613) Actividad Parlamentaria de los Comunistas (47) Actividad Parlamentaria de los Comunistasa (4) Actividad Social (70) Afganistán (3) América_Partidos Comunistas (114) Asia_Partidos Comunistas (13) Avance Revolucionario (186) Camarada Lenin (39) Camarada Stalin (46) Ciencia (1) Ciencias (12) Clase Obrera_Luchas Sindicales (104) Columna: A Babor...! (3) Columna:¡En Este Mundo...Hoy! 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(18) Comunistas y Elecciones (85) Comunistas_Venezuela (43) Conflictos Laborales (40) Crímenes de guerra de EEUU e Israel contra el Estado Palestino (30) Crímenes de la Burguesía y el Imperialismo (130) Crímenes del Imperialismo (39) Criminales de Guerra del Imperialismo (53) Defensa Patria (28) Defensa de la Patria (137) Defensa del Comunismo (99) Defensa Patria (36) Defensa Revolucionari (15) Defensa Revolucionaria (245) Derrota del Nazismo (11) Descolonización_Independencia para Puerto Rico (49) Desestabilización_Conspiración Contra Venezuela (117) Economí (1) Economía (16) EEUU Crisis (4) El Diario Tribuna Popular (1) Etiquetas: : Comunismo en el mundo actual (1) Etiquetas: Camarada Lenin (1) Etiquetas: Comunismo en el mundo actual (1) Europa_Partidos Comunista (9) Europa_Partidos Comunistas (50) Fascismo Imperialismo (3) Fascismo-Imperialismo (40) Formación Ideológica (35) Fuera la injerencia imperialista Yanky en Venezuela (58) Gran Polo Patriótico Simón Bolívar (11) I (1) Imperialismo y Guerra (62) Independencia para Puerto Rico (16) Información (35) Intelectual Orgánico y Organización Comunista (18) Intelectuales Comunistas: formación organización y trabajo político ideológico (12) Intermunicipal Miranda Centro (25) Intermunicipal Miranda Centro_Solidaridad (129) Internacional Comunista__Dialogo/Debate (18) Internacional/Guerras Criminales del Imperialismo (26) Internacionalismo (1) Internacionalismo AProletario_Solidaridad (1) Internacionalismo Proletario (13) Internacionalismo Proletario_Solidaridad (302) Intervenciones Imperialistas (33) Juventud Comunista (18) Juventud Comunista de Venezuela_JCV (38) L (1) La Comida y el bolsillo del pueblo (20) La Gran Conspiración Contra Venezuela (113) La Verdad de Venezuela (77) La Verdad de Venezuela y América (23) Lucha Anticolonialista (24) Lucha Antifascista (54) Lucha Contra el Fascismo (50) Lucha Contra el Revisionismo y el Reformismo (267) Lucha Contra el Revisionismo y el Reformismo Desestabilización_Conspiración Contra Venezuela (2) Lucha Contra las Dictaduras (11) Lucha de Clases e Intelectualidad Comunista (10) Lucha de Clases Venezuela_FNLCT (20) Lucha de Clases y Feminismo (6) Lucha de Liberación (19) Lucha por el Comunismo (45) Lucha por la Paz (26) Luchas Actuales Independentistas en América (13) Luchas de Clases del Campesinado (11) Luchas de la JCV al lado de la Clase Obrera (5) Luchas de las Juventudes Comunistas del Mundo (10) Luchas de Liberación de Palestina (46) Luchas de los Comunistas en el Mundo (61) Luchas de los Pueblos de América (55) Luchas del Proletariado en el Mundo (54) Luchas por la Independencia en América (7) Luchas Sociales (33) Miranda Centro_Solidaridad (23) Monstruos Políticos (2) Movilización de la Clase aObrera_Mundo (1) Movilización de la Clase Obrera_Mundo (9) Movilizaciones Populares (11) Movilizaciones Sindicales Clasistas (20) Mujer y trabajo revolucionario (1) Naziimperialismo y Plan de Dominio Mundial (18) Noticias (16) Noticias de Partidos Comunistas (22) Opinión (5) Opinión Revolucionaria (56) Opinión_Venezuela (17) Organización Revolucionaria (12) Organización y Luchas Juveniles Revolucionarias (3) Países de Europa Oriental: situación actual (7) Palestina: Estado Libre Independiente (2) Palestina:Solidaridad con el Estado y Nación Palestina (20) Partido Comunista de España (30) Partido Comunista de Venezuela (78) Partidos Comunistas (13) Partidos Comunistas América (8) PCV Intermunicipal Miranda Centro (30) PCV Intermunicipal Miranda Centro_Prensa (16) PCV Intermunicipal Miranda Centro_Solidaridad (36) PCV_Dirección Nacional_B-P- (5) PCV_Intermunicipal Miranda Centro (10) PCV_Intermunicipal Miranda Centro_Solidaridad (2) PCV_Organización Intermunicipal Miranda Centro:OIMCE-PCV (2) PCV-Intermunicipal Miranda Centro_Solidaridad (5) PCV:Miranda Centro_Solidaridad (5) PCVaIntermunicipal Miranda Centro_Solidaridad (1) Plan Imperialista de Dominio Mundial (16) Plan Mundial del Imperialismo (1) Política Comunista Internacional (16) Prensa Comunista/Venezuela (20) PrensaPopularSolidaria (5) Proceso Bolivariano (8) Puerto Rico Estado Nacional Legítimo (7) RASD:Independencia para el Pueblo Saharauí (1) Reclamos a instituciones del Estado (4) Reclamos de la Clase Obrera (5) Red de Comunicación Comunista Mirandina_(REDECCOMI) (7) Reflexiones de Fidel (2) Revolución Comunista (8) Salvación de la Patria Venezolana (1) Situación de la Comunidad Europea (4) Solidaridad Comunista Mundial (16) Solidaridad Internacional (41) Solidaridad Mundial con Palestina (1) Solidaridad Mundial con Venezuela (4) Teoría_Formación Ideológica (2) Tercera Guerra Mundial (2) Tercera Guerra Mundial ya en Marcha (4) Terroristas al servicio del Imperialismo (2) Unión Soviética_URSS (1) Venezuela se respeta (20) XIV Congreso del Partido Comunista de Venezuela (9)