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The Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party held a meeting headed by its Secretary-General comrade Ammar Bagdash on 17 May 2017. |
Upon discussing the political situation, the Central Committee confirmed that the international situation is becoming more complicated and dangerous, due mainly to the intensification of the contradictions between the imperialist powers, which have become more intensive due to the huge periodical economic crisis of (2008-2010).
Historical experiences indicate that the period of economic recession that follows the crisis, especially if so huge, is usually characterized by increasing the imperialist aggression in order to overcome the effects of the crisis rapidly and at the expense of others.
In the current stage these contradictions between imperialist powers is more clear in the multi-faceted confrontation between the centers of traditional imperialism and the so-called emerging countries. And this confrontation might reach in several areas to military conflicts, as it happens in the eastern Mediterranean and Ukraine and the ongoing conflicts in several parts of Africa and the Afghan pit, as well as the region of East Asia is experiencing an escalation of tension and potentially explosive situation at any moment.
The new factor in these military conflicts is that such military confrontation were previously held -as a general rule- by regional allies and followers of imperialist centers, but at the current stage we find gradually escalating participation of imperialist states directly in these confrontations.
The American imperialism is considered the most aggressive power which uses the methods of direct colonization, that it launched colonial wars at the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the current century, the most prominent of those launched on Iraq and Afghanistan and earlier on Yugoslavia.
The US imperialism also participated in the NATO aggression on Libya, giving their European allies the frontage in that aggression. US imperialism has played a key role in conspiracy and aggressive actions against Syria as well as against Yemen.
The aggressive expansionist policy of US imperialism has escalated with the arrival of the new US administration, which dispelled the illusions of some narrow minded, about the possibility of understanding with this administration, these illusions were based on some of the statements made by the current US president during his election campaign. But the actions taken by the new US administration demonstrated, not a retreat from the line of aggression, but the escalation of aggression. The first step of this administration was to increase the US military budget, then followed by the military strike against Syrian air base which came in complete contradiction to the simplest concepts of international law.
At the same time, there was a very dangerous escalation toward the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is clear that this escalation against North Korea is aimed at the biggest competitor of American imperialism, which is the People’s Republic of China. It is not a coincidence that the strike against Syria and escalation against north Korea took place during the visit of the Chinese president to the United States. More and more, it is the interests of the most reactionary and aggressive monopolistic junta that drives the international tendencies of the current American administration. There is also great Zionist influence within this administration.
Because of these fundamental factors, the world is witnessing an escalation of the tone and acts of aggression by the current administration of American imperialism which aims at reducing and targeting positions of its main competitors on the international scene, particularly China and Russia. This is reflected by increasing tension in the eastern Mediterranean and Eastern Europe (Ukraine in particular) and in the Far East. In addition to the resumption of the campaign on Iran, by the current US administration, which sees this as an important factor in stabilizing its hegemony and as a start point in successive expansionist campaigns.
Despite the Russian diplomatic efforts to find compromise solutions with the Western imperialism centers, but these attempts have not led to results that satisfy Russia. It is clear to the Russian authority that vital sites in the near surroundings are currently being targeted by western centers. This can lead to a very serious consequences for the status of Russia in the international system.
The intensification of the contradictions between imperialism accompanied with the increase of other contradictions of capitalism, that it keeps its attack on the national liberation movements all around the world. A clear example of this is the countries of Latin America, especially in Venezuela, which is in direct confrontation with an attack of imperialism and its local agents. As well as the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea regions which face the same attack.
In addition, imperialist monopolies continue to attack the rights of the hard-working people of the imperialist countries. Leading to the escalation of class confrontations in many of them. The popular rejection of monopolistic policy is accumulating in many Western and Southern European countries. This is evidenced by political transformations and mass movements in these countries. Reformist parties, falsely labeled "the new left", play a destructive role in thwarting anti-monopolistic mass movements, as it has happened in Greece.
The French elections also showed the great influence of international Zionism in determining European policy. Where these circles have once again brought a nobody to the presidency aimed at strengthening the positions of multinational monopolies on one hand, and on the other to ensure the positions of the French administration in the confrontation with Russia. All this is being done in the context of seeking to mitigate the destabilizing effects of the European Union as it’s being the second imperialism center in the world.
The increasing contradictions of modern imperialism threaten not only the independence and progress of peoples, but also the existence of humanity. Which calls for increased efforts to strengthen the international anti-imperialist front.
In its consideration of the latest developments in the region, the Central Committee felt that regional alliances are being developed to serve the expansionist American imperialist policy. The Gulf states have made all the commitments of allegiance to the new US administration. The rapprochement with these countries, especially with Saudi Arabia, is one of the main orientations of the current US administration's foreign policy. Despite the huge economic difficulties that the Gulf states experience as a result of the low oil prices, huge arms deals are being held with the United States , which will revive the almost subdued American economy. The Gulf axis appears in the form of a military alliance clearly linked to America and less clearly with Israel, under the banner of combating the alleged Iranian expansion. The aggressive actions of this axis are headed in two directions: against Syria and against Yemen. It should be noted that as much as the Yemeni people will suffer as much as the Saudi Arabia will.
At the same time, the Turkish aggression is expanding towards Syria, and the Islamic brotherhood government in Ankara is not hiding its expansionist ambitions by demanding that the Lausanne Agreement should be reconsidered. Despite the increase in the Brotherhood's dominance of power in Turkey, their status is not settled due to economic difficulties and resistance of the secular circles with wide public influence and the constant tension experienced by the Kurdistan region of Turkey. Turkey's ruling circles has been trying to overcome economic difficulties by making big deals with Russia, particularly in the fields of gas, oil and nuclear power, and reestablishing Turkish exports to Russia.
The goal that brings together American and Western imperialism in general, international Zionism, reactionary regimes and agents in the region is to undermine Iran, whose anti-imperialist orientation is clear, and to divide Syria after these forces failed to overthrow it.
The Central Committee considered that during the last period, the struggle of Syrian people has achieved important achievements in confronting the enemies of the country. The most important of these achievements was the complete liberation of Aleppo and the important advance on some of the northern and north-eastern axes that the Syrian army has achieved. Also positive shifts have been achieved in some central regions. Palmyra has been recaptured from the terrorists' hands and some oil and gas fields have been recovered in the mid-east, which has a positive impact on the fuel supply. The rebels were also removed, in several ways, from sensitive areas in and around the capital. Thus, the immunity of Damascus increased and a large part of the risk was removed. This factor strengthens national steadfastness in general. Even though at the same time rebel forces were redeployed and sent to areas of importance to their masters.
Nonetheless, colonial powers escalated their aggression against the achievements of the Syrian army and its allies. The aggressive forces seek to increase the areas of colonial occupation in Syria. The presence of the US military is being increased in the north-eastern regions. The strike against Syrian airbase (Shairat) on the 7th of April was an embodiment of clear aggressive tendencies, even though the main motive of this aggressive strike was linked to American internal factors. However, this act of aggression is a demonstration of America's willingness to use all violent tactics against Syria. More recently, the US and British military presence has expanded to the south-eastern regions, relying on their traditional agent the Jordanian regime.
NATO's Turkey and its puppet forces now occupy important areas northeast of Aleppo. Day after day, steps are being taken to establish absolute Turkish influence in Idlib governorate.
During the meeting between the Russian and Turkish presidents in Sochi at the end of April, "low tension" or "de-escalation" zones were announced in Syria.
During the press conference in which this announcement was declared, there was also declaration that there was no difference between the concepts of "low tension" and "safe areas". It was clear, as stated at the press conference itself, that the US administration was consulted on this, which in turn expressed its approval to this agreement without joining it. This agreement was subsequently elaborated in the city of Astana at the beginning of May as a tripartite agreement between Russia, Iran and Turkey.
Although the areas of "low tension" are four, but the most important strategic at the current stage are the northern and southern regions. The Turkish side shows that the "low-tension" northern area has become the region of its absolute influence. Also, the colonial powers seek to make the "low-tension" southern zone as an entry point to increase the aggressive expansionist activity of American and British forces and their Jordanian agent.
It was distinguished that the Russian foreign minister's visit to Washington, which followed Astana's declaration of "low-tension" areas, did not lead to the United States joining this consensus framework. The Americans have made it clear that they seek to impose their areas of influence through military operations and occupation of eastern Syria without consensus with other international powers.
The international colonialist and Zionist powers are conspiring to divide Syria. There is no doubt that there are certain differences between the imperialist powers over the form of this process, but not on its content.
The Central Committee believes that within the fierce colonial campaign against the homeland, the main task is to fight the occupiers and terrorist gangs that complement their aggressive actions. And that all national forces must struggle steadfastly for:
1. To defend national independence.
2. To defend full national sovereignty.
3. Struggle for the unity of all Syria.
The Central Committee considers that the difficult situation in the country requires a radical transformation in the socio-economic policy that strengthens the country's immunity and meets the basic interests of the Syrian people, the main defender of the homeland and the symbol of steadfastness.
The interest of national steadfastness requires a complete break with socio-economic trends of a liberal nature. Including a review of laws that undermine public sector status such as the corporatism law. Encouraging foreign investment in all areas, as provided for by the regulations, means that the state has lost its remaining key positions in the economy. Socially, participation will weaken the working class, which is concentrated in state enterprises and thereby weaken public support of national policy.
There must be a radical revision of how to secure budgetary resources, and this happens not by increasing the indirect taxes and fees, which mainly affect the interest of the hard-working, but also by direct actions against the interests of big capitalism, especially the non-productive, parasitic groups, that these groups should pay taxes compatible with their profits, or by closing the parasitic profit outlets. Thereby, encouraging production and creating important resources in the hands of the state.
In the field of agriculture, large increases in the prices of production inputs, especially fuel and fertilizer, should be reversed and a favorable pricing policy in the purchase of crops should be adopted.
The national policy will find social economic support through the application of policies that reduce the living burdens of the workers and through actions for the benefit of the producers. The Central Committee considers that the alternative to the adoption of economic liberal policy is by adopting the policy of state capitalism of a social nature which means:
-Support for industrial and crafts production.
-Effective support for agricultural production.
-Increasing the role of the intervention of the state, especially in the field of internal trade.
-The actual revival of state establishments in the field of foreign trade.
-Raising salaries and wages to be compatible with rising prices. Making the mechanism of compatibility between salaries and prices a permanent process.
-Expanding the social support for the population systematically rather than in the form of emergency campaigns.
The Central Committee stressed that the socio-economic front has an exceptional role in this national battle of our people. It also stressed the need for dedication to the struggle of the masses by all party's commissions and to adopt all forms of this struggle, including the simplest.
The crucial stage in which the country is going through confirms and strengthens the validity of the slogan presented by the historic leader of our party Khaled Bagdash: Defending the homeland and defending the people's bread!
The Central Committee also discussed party publishing, emphasizing its importance as a vital activity for all comrades. And it discussed some organizational matters related to the party's situation and took appropriate decisions.
The Central Committee also reviewed the campaign of activities carried out by party's organizations and the youth of Khaled Bagdash in honor of the national and international events and praised them.
The Central Committee thus concluded the work of its meeting.
Damascus, May 17 The Central Committee of the
Syrian Communist Party
Fuente: Syrian Communist Party/Solidnet/ PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com
Fuente: Syrian Communist Party/Solidnet/ PrensaPopularSolidaria
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com
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