For social progress and democratic development:
On the occasion of the visit to Australia by Dr Carolus Wimmer, International Relations Secretary of the Communist Party of Venezuela, the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) adopted the following joint statement:
Our two parties work in countries still living under the shadow of the United States empire and the threat that its aggressive policies and bloated military machine create for our countries and the world.
The United States aims to dominate the planet and its resources, to install compliant governments everywhere, to privatise and deregulate the economy of every nation, and to inflict “free market” corporate capitalism on the peoples of the world.
Plans for new military bases in Latin America, the Caribbean and elsewhere and US involvement in recent coups in Honduras and Paraguay expose once again how far imperialism will go to protect the profits of its transnational corporations.
The US sustains the right-wing paramilitary-based regime in Colombia and is stepping up its efforts to subvert democratic advances in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia and to isolate and cripple socialist Cuba.
The Communist Party of Australia stands in solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela as it works to defend Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolution from US interference and to advance the struggle for economic and social justice in Venezuela.
The CPA supports Venezuela’s democratic elections, in which Hugo Chávez is the candidate of the majority of the people as well as the Communist Party of Venezuela. The Communist Party of Australia rejects all attempts by foreign forces to intervene in and destabilise the election to be held on October 7 this year and demands that the election results be recognised and respected as the will of the Venezuelan people.
The Communist Party of Venezuela stands in solidarity with the Communist Party of Australia in its struggle against US plans to use Australia as a base from which to threaten and “contain” China. The PCV supports the campaigns against the stationing of US marines in the country, for the closure of the more than 30 US military bases in Australia, to stop joint military exercises, and ban more US ships and planes coming to the fifth continent. Both parties condemn the attempts by imperialism to provoke conflicts between China and other countries in the South China Sea.
These policies raise the danger of aggression and war to a new level. Combined with US imperialism’s willingness to use its massive arsenal of nuclear weapons, planetary destruction is a possibility.
The Communist Party of Venezuela and the Communist Party of Australia condemn any intervention in Syria by the US, NATO and reactionary Middle East countries. We demand that the conflict be ended and the Syrian people given the opportunity to decide themselves what their future will be.
Imperialist states continue to control immense economic, military and political resources and are the main threat to the peace of the world.
Our parties agree that it is this imperialist control that stands in the way of social and economic progress, peace and security. It also fuels the environmental crisis. Both parties emphasise that we cannot build socialism on a dead planet.
The successes already achieved in the anti-imperialist struggle and the improvements in the living conditions for masses of the poor in developing countries such as Venezuela are inspiring others to set out on the same path.
The Communist Party of Venezuela and the Communist Party of Australia will continue to work together and strengthen their fraternal relations, sharing the confidence that the future holds greater possibilities for resistance and social progress, for just and democratic economic development, for environmental protection and sustainability, and for socialism.
Fuente: The Guardian/PrensaPopularSolidaria-(PrenPoSol_PePeSe)
Correo: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com