An initiative is risen up in Spain: " The Crisis they must pay it themselves",. We are alluding to this parallel movement to a governmental meeting of the most important countries which was carried out, intenting to take measures toward a salvation from the crisis for the big monopolies owners of the world.
Meanwhile, with those planned measures they throw away the crisis on the working class and the popular masses of the whole world, by means of increase in unemployment, losts of private housings, dismissals of workers, police interventions against workers protest, and generalization of working precariousness for toilers or deprived persons in the whole world.
Moreover, at the same time great, immense ressources are kept in reserve for the "salvation" of capitalistic enterprises which incur in crimes--as it can be seen in the USA--with the deviation of allowed public funds for allocating generous dividends of executive officers or to cancelling astronomical debts to banks executives and owners.
Against such a situation we must strive for a general mobilization in the whole world, so is the calling we send througt the Peoples Press for Solidarity of the Miranda Communists ( http://prensapopular-comunistasmiranda.blogspot.com/ ) mouthpiece of that fight of a combattive section of Venezuela in the Miranda State.
All of you are invited to concentrations in the public parks of all towns in the world : Against the Crisis! Against this plot to leave it on the shoulders of the whole working class. We proclaim our full support for that calling arrived from Spain, we are trying to increase its presence for all the world!!
To the persons and popular organizatios we suggest they propitiate wide circulation of it, we also are calling for its translation in all the spoken languages and its widest circulation in all countries of the Earth!!
We thank you if you send the tranlates text to our addres.....( pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com ) and we will inmediately put it into circulation. Forward in the general mobilisation against the monopolistes imperialists!!!
Pass this calling!! Send it to the postal officers, to the postal boxes, to the blogs!! Let this calling be translated!! Send us the translations!!! We shall carry on their circulation !!! Down with the capitalistic crisis!! Let us reinforce the working class struggles!! For the Socialism on the road toward Communism!!!
Fuente: Prensa Popular Solidaridad Comunistas Miranda
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